Primetime Ballers (PTB) is a member of the Amateur Athletic Union basketball association and is a nonprofit organization founded by head coach and entrepreneur, Anthony Feaser. PTB is dedicated to the athletic and physical growth of all its athletes. Every child and young adult that joins our club will be exposed to everything basketball. From learning the fundamentals to advance game tactics, PTB is a contending force in the sport. Not only do the members of this great organization learn basic skills, they also learn sportsmanship, hard work, dedication and the true meaning of commitment.
Our organization has instructed kids of all walks of like and of various ages. There are no challenges to hard for primetime to tackle. We provide all the necessary tools and skills needed to take the amateur athlete to the next level. Weather its building confidents, learning the game or improving on one abilities, primetime balers is the right fit.
Primetime Ballers is Recruiting
Are you looking for the next level of youth basketball? Just Click the flyer to get more detail.
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